高档餐厅El Willy的回顾 | Fine Dining@El Willy Review



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大家一直期待的El Willy餐厅的回顾来啦?这是一家特别适合带密友或爱人去的餐厅[愉快]一个非维根朋友恰巧有机会去品尝了新的纯素菜单,来看看他/她的评价吧!

The El Willy Food review you have been waiting for is now here! The perfect classy spot to take a friend or lover ;) A non-vegan had a chance to taste the new menu and give feedback, check it out below.


Star Rating: 4.7 Stars


The amosphere of the restaurant was very nice. It was Spanish-themed and very spacious. Pretty much all of the seating gives a good view of the bund, which is located alongside the restaurant. What's worth mentioning was how a pig design was used on all of the tableware, which I believe is to commemorate China’s year of the pig. I thought this idea was very well thought out. 


And here comes the most important part of the experience...the food!

墨西哥风味番茄小食- 我很喜欢这道前菜,风味番茄配上墨西哥玉米脆片,非常地搭配,让我怀念起以前在加州常吃的墨西哥菜 chips with salsa 。

Mexican marinated tomato tostada- I really liked this dish, the tomatoes and corn chips were a  great pairing. It makes me think of the Mexican chips and salsa I used to always have back in California.

秘制西瓜配番茄脆片 - 这道前菜非常有趣,番茄配上西瓜再加上脆片,满惊艳的,只是个人觉得西瓜味有点重,西瓜如果只是点缀效果会更好。

Chipotle marinated watermelon on tomato cracker - This dish was an interesting one, and beautifully plated with tomato on top of crispy watermelon chips. Personally, I think the watermelon flavor was a bit strong. If the flavor of the watermelon was a bit more muted it would be much better.

辣味牛油果小食- 这道前菜我也很喜欢,辣味牛油果非常好吃,唯一鸡蛋里挑骨头就是外面的饼片有点硬,如果可以更薄更脆一点就完美了。

Spicy cashew avocado bombs - I really enjoyed this appetizer. My only picky comment is that the cracker on the outside was a little hard. If it was thinner it would be perfect.

蘑菇刺身配牛油果酱及香脆葱丝 - 这道前菜也让我惊艳,牛油果酱味道很好很新鲜,再搭配上蘑菇薄片与葱丝,与一点点的辣味相佐,非常地美味。 

King mushroom tiradito guacamole and crispy shallots  - I enjoyed this dish very much. The guacamole was very fresh, which accented the slivers of mushroom and onion well. It also had just a hint of spicy flavor, quite delicious.

波菜、薄荷、甘蓝色拉配绿豆与青豆 - 对于一个非素食者但热爱色拉的我来说,这道菜我真的很喜爱,是今晚菜单上属一属二的,我甚至希望平常就可以单点来吃,蔬菜配料与酱汁搭配百分百,完全感觉不出是一道纯素的料理呢!

Spinach, mint and kale salad, green pea hummus and fava beans - I really enjoyed this dish as a non-vegan who is very much into salads. It was probably one of the best dishes I tried tonight. I am even hoping to come back regularly in the future just to order it. The pairing of the vegetables and the sauce was spot on. You can’t tell at all that it’s a vegan dish. 

炭烤茄子空气包 - 这道料理算满特别的,茄子有浓厚的炭烤味,但因为个人不是很喜欢炭烤的味道,所以好感度不高。 

Char grilled eggplant and sesame airbaguette - This dish was very unique. The eggplant had a very strong char-grilled flavor, but I’m not a big fan of this flavor so it’s hard for me to judge.

烤食蔬配橄榄 - 虽然我喜欢里面的每一种蔬菜,还是觉得有点失望,这道菜并不特别,也感觉不到太多西班牙风味。不过值得一提的是,橄榄非常新鲜顺口。

Steamed vegetables with Kalamata olives - Even though I am a fan of all of the vegetables that were in the dish, it was a little underwhelming. There was nothing very special about it, and it didn’t seem to have the flavors of authentic Spanish cuisine. However, the olives were fresh and delicious. 

烤花菜配杏仁酱汁- 这道绝对是今晚菜单上的前三名,杏仁酱汁浓郁够味,搭配上烤花菜,让人爱不停口,唯一小小的建议,如果花菜可以稍微煎炒过,味道可能会更棒。

Roasted cauliflower with "romesco" sauce - this dish was definitely in the top three for me. The almond sauce was just the right amount of flavor. I couldn't stop eating it! One suggestion would be to lightly pan fry the cauliflower, that might make the flavor even better. 

海苔秋葵烩饭 - 这道炖饭无庸置疑是今晚第一名,我完全不觉得自己在吃素,甚至比我在巴塞隆纳吃的炖饭还好吃,饭的软硬度刚刚好,非常的入味,吃得到每一种蔬菜的原味,配上锅巴,实在太完美。

Our famous dry paella with saffron and seasonal vegetables - this dish, without a doubt, was my favorite. I didn’t feel like I was eating vegan food at all, and it was even better than a similar dish I had in Barcelona. The texture of the rice was also just right, not too hard or too soft. It was so tasty. I could taste the natural flavors of every vegetable, and along with the scorched rice from the bottom of the pan, it was just perfect.

甜点:柠檬慕斯配罗勒冰霜 - 我不是一个爱吃甜食的人,但我爱上了这道甜点,一口接一口无法自拔。柠檬慕斯搭配萝勒冰霜与蓝莓,真的是绝配,人间美味~~

Dessert - lemon cream with basil sorbet - I am not a huge fan of desserts, but I fell in love with this one. I couldn't stop myself from eating mouthful after mouthful. The lemon mousse went so well with the blueberries and basil sorbet. It tasted heavenly.


The head chef and assistant chef explained each dish in detail to us when it was served. The servers were all very friendly, and would take care of all of our cutlery and plates at a moment's notice.

对一个非素食者来说,400 有一点贵,300-350比较可以接受。

As a non-vegan, 400 is a bit too pricy for the full menu, around 300-350 would be better.


I would be very willing to invite a non vegan friend to this restaurant to try the dishes. But we would probably still order some non-vegan food.

El Willy

地址:中山东二路22号外滩22号5楼, 近新永安路

Address: 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, Bund 22, 5/F, near Xinyong'an Lu

El Willy 在Wendy和Claire 


This Vegan is the New Sexy menu was made possible thanks to Wendy and Claire!


And don't forget our tasty 100% plant-based 

breakfast for dinner event!


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